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Autism Service Dog Course
Section 1- Program Introduction
Lecture 1-Introduction (6:37)
Lecture 2-Program Expectations (4:30)
Lecture 3-Differences between a Therapy Dog, Emotional Support Animal, & a Service Dog (13:16)
Lecture 4-Required Medical Documentation (9:10)
Lecture 5-Testing Requirements & Expectations (8:47)
Lecture 6-The Time Commitment (5:43)
Section 1-Quiz
Section 1-Documents
Section 2-Determining What You Need
Lecture 1- Is a service dog right for you? (4:07)
Lecture 2-Owner Trained Program verses Fully Trained (10:26)
Lecture 3-Evaluating your medical needs. (8:27)
Lecture 4-Determining your training goals. (4:48)
Lecture 5-Basic Recommended Equipment (14:27)
Lecture 6-Importance of Documentation (7:49)
Lecture 7-Best Techniques to Study, Train, & Succeed (2:29)
Section 2-Quiz
Section 2-Documents
Section 3- Federal & State Law -The importance of the ADA & the requirements for service dogs
Lecture 1-Introduction to Federal & State Law for Service Dogs (3:53)
Lecture 2-Federal Law-The Americans With Disability Act (ADA) (5:00)
Lecture 3-Federal Law-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) (4:07)
Lecture 4-Federal Law-Fair Housing Law (3:40)
Lecture 5-Federal Law-Air Carrier Access Act (ACA) (10:32)
Lecture 6-Federal Law-The Similarities & Differences in the ADA, EEOC, Air Carrier Acces Act, & Fair Housing (1:22)
Lecture 7- Access Restrictions to the ADA (3:05)
Section 3-Quiz
Section 3-Documents
Section 4-Preparing for your new Service Dog
Lecture 1-Preparing Your Home for a New Dog (9:07)
Lecture 2-Preparing your other animals for a new Service Dog (10:30)
Lecture 3-Preparing your other family members or children about the new service dog and their role in the dog's training. (3:00)
Lecture 4-The financial commitment of a Service Dog (14:10)
Lecture 5-Types of Insurance availible & why it's important that you are covered. (8:17)
Section 4-Quiz
Section 4-Documents
Section 5-Service Dog Selection
Lecture 1-Service Dog Selection Introduction (1:20)
Lecture 2-Breed Selection- The Pro's & Cons of certain Popular Breeds (14:58)
Lecture 3- Older dog vs. Puppy? Which is right for you? (7:50)
Lecture 4-Pro's & Con's of Adopting a Rescue Dog (6:07)
Lecture 5-Pro's & Con's Buying a Dog From A Breeder (10:45)
Lecture 6-Breeder vs Rescue Summary (0:48)
Lecture 7- Where to look to find a puppy or breeder? (3:37)
Lecture 8- The signs that you should look for in a good dog breeder (9:14)
Lecture 9- How do you pick out a puppy with the right traits? (6:23)
Lecture 10-How Long Do Service Dog's Work? (2:06)
Section 5-Quiz
Section 5-Documents
Section 6-Training Equipment
Lecture 1- Introduction on Training Equipment (0:51)
Lecture 2- Leash selection & usage (1:07)
Lecture 3-Difference in training collars & their usage. (5:33)
Lecture 4-IT"S NOT A MUZZLE- The Halti & Gentle Leader Usage (1:34)
Lecture 5-The importance of the Kennel & selecting the right one for your dog. (1:30)
Lecture 8-Suggested, Safe, & Appropriate Toys (4:14)
Lecture 9-Grooming Supplies & Equipment (0:51)
Section 6-Quiz
Section 6-Documents
Section 7-Canine Medical, Health, & Behavior Information
Lecture 1-Canine Body Language (14:55)
Lecture 2-Importance of Grooming (2:44)
Lecture 3-Proper & Safe Exercise (7:27)
Lecture 4-Heartworm & Prevention (1:55)
Lecture 5-Flea & Tick Prevention & Common Diseases (9:42)
Lecture 6-Heat Stroke Signs & Symptoms (2:40)
Lecture 7-Valley Fever (6:09)
Lecture 8-Blockage, Bloat, & Tort (Signs & Symptoms) (7:04)
Lecture 9-Common Household Hazardous Plants (3:24)
Lecture 10-Dangers of Antifreeze (2:26)
Lecture 12-The Dangers of Chocolate (and not just to your waistline) (3:42)
Section 7-Quiz
Section 7-Documents
Section 8-Grooming Information
Lecture 1- Grooming Introduction (0:42)
Lecture 2-Hair Mats & Hot Spots (7:40)
Lecture 3-Checking between the toes & pads. (0:50)
Lecture 4- Ear Cleaning (1:28)
Lecture 5- Teeth Brushing (1:04)
Lecture 6-Trimming Nails (2:06)
Section 8-Quiz
Section 8-Documents
Section 9-The Basics of Canine Training Theory
Lecture 1-Purpose of Basic Obedience (1:26)
Lecture 2-Basic vs. Advanced Obedience (4:25)
Lecture 3-Importance of satisfaction in training. (2:30)
Lecture 4-Importance of play time for your dog's health & training. (0:37)
Lecture 5-Using the acronym of P.U.P.P.Y. to help remember an important training concept. (9:26)
Lecture 6-Emotions travel down the leash (1:28)
Lecture 7-ABC's of Dog Training (8:35)
Lecture 8-The 3 D's of Dog Training (8:37)
Lecture 9-Importance of Timing (1:37)
Lecture 10-Synchronization & it's applications to service dog work. (3:06)
Lecture 11-Continuous verses Intermittent Reinforcers (2:58)
Lecture 12-Building Upon Errors & Successes (2:20)
Lecture 13-Active verses Passive Resistance (2:19)
Lecture 14-Spinning Wheel Concept (3:52)
Lecture 15-Inverted U Concept (4:05)
Lecture 16-Overnight Learning (2:12)
Lecture 17-Generalization & Patterning (5:46)
Lecture 18- Gross to Refinement (6:11)
Lecture 19-Trigger Thinking (6:36)
Lecture 20-Dog Whisperer (5:41)
Section 21-SMARTest Dog Training Methodology (8:21)
Section 9-Quiz
Section 9-Documentation
Section 10-Basic Dog Handling Theory & Practices
Lecture 1-Introduction to Dog Handling Basics (1:18)
Lecture 2-Initial Bonding Exercises-Developing the Y! (1:47)
Lecture 3-Bonding-Umbilical Cord Bonding (1:44)
Lecture 4-Bonding-Proximity Training (1:03)
Lecture 5-Bonding-Puppy Push-ups (3:21)
Lecture 6-Bonding-Retrieval Games (4:59)
Lecture 7-Bonding-Hide & Go Seek (1:34)
Lecture 8-Bonding-Grooming (0:48)
Lecture 9-Giving Proper Commands (1:51)
Lecture 10-How to Give a Proper Correction (5:43)
Lecture 11-Dealing with Challenges (1:25)
Lecture 12-Coaching Through Challenges (7:28)
Lecture 13-What Constitutes Pressure? (1:29)
Lecture 14-Resistance Resolutions (2:07)
Lecture 15-Motivators & Reinforcers (8:53)
Lecture 16-The importance of using your Markers! (10:57)
Section 10-Quiz
Section 10-Documentation
Section 11-Basic Command Demonstrations
Lecture 1-Basic Obedience Command Introduction (1:59)
Alert (3:24)
Come (2:48)
Down (0:09)
Drop (0:55)
Excuse Me (0:42)
"Get it", "Bring", & "Give" (4:59)
Here (2:46)
Hold (1:24)
"Jump On" & "Off" (1:46)
Kennel (4:51)
Kiss (1:44)
Leave It (5:01)
"Lets Go" & "Heel" (2:47)
Markers-'Good', 'That's it', & 'Yes' (1:55)
Nope (1:40)
Quick & Slow (2:05)
Out (1:12)
Push (4:48)
Roll (2:25)
Settle (1:29)
Shake (1:10)
Stand (2:37)
Stay (1:58)
Turn (1:16)
Up (2:49)
Wait (2:29)
Around (1:46)
Section 11-Quiz
Section 11-Documents
Section 12-Starting off on the right track-Working specifically with a young puppy
Lecture 1- Introduction to walking on a leash (3:46)
Lecture 2- Introducing the "Sit" Command (3:07)
Lecture 3-Introducing the "Down" Command (3:04)
Lecture 4-Teaching how to retrieve different objects (4:51)
Lecture 5-Teaching How to Kiss (3:32)
Lecture 7-Introducing the 'Here' Command (1:44)
Lecture 6-Teaching the "Stand" Command (2:00)
Section 13-The importance of socialization & environmental exposure in your canine's development
Lecture 1-Introduction to working out in public (1:49)
Lecture 2-Public Etiquette (4:26)
Lecture 3-Service Dog Golden Rule (1:09)
Lecture 4-Preparing to go out in public. (0:55)
Lecture 5-Anticipate Situations (1:59)
Lecture 6-Dealing with Challenges to Public Access (4:15)
Lecture 7-Sequence of Successful Socialization (7:13)
Lecture 8-Avoiding & Responding to a Dog Attack (3:29)
Lecture 9-The Importance of food denial. (14:12)
Lecture 10-Toileting in Public (3:13)
Section 13-Quiz
Section 13-Documents
Section 14- Autism Specific Advanced Commands
Lecture 1-Advanced Command Introduction (3:20)
Lecture 2-Training to Hand Signals (9:32)
Lecture 3- "Stop" Command & Task (6:44)
Lecture 4-"Bring Back" Command & Task (6:08)
Lecture 5-Object Retrieval (4:35)
Lecture 6-Fix Command (1:02)
Lecture 7-Lay On & Lean Command (4:10)
Lecture 8-Careful Command (0:54)
Lecture 9-Lap-Visit-Snuggle
Lecture 10-Dance Command (1:06)
Section 14-Quiz
Section 14-Documents
Section 15-Disability Specific Tasks-Autism
Lecture 1-Introduction to the use of the Service Dog as a tool to assist overcomming the challenges of Autism (1:19)
Lecture 3-Safety Concerns for your Autism Service Dog (2:04)
Lecture 4-The importance of developing a strong bond with the Service Dog when working through issues with your Child on the Spectrum (1:34)
Lecture 5-The Top 6 Most Requested Tasks for Autism (3:18)
Lecture 6-Teaching the Service Dog to Recognize & Interrupt Stimming Behavior (10:43)
Lecture 7-Teaching the Service Dog to Interrupt Self-Injurious Behaviors (1:45)
Lecture 8-Ways of Using The Service Dog to help your child to sleep at night (5:05)
Lecture 9-Using the Service Dog to Provide Deep Pressure Therapy (5:46)
Lecture 10-Dealing With Meltdowns-Tools & Techniques for Using The Service Dog To Work Through A Meltdown (13:39)
Lecture 11-Dealing With Meltdowns-Getting your service dog used to dealing with meltdowns (6:30)
Lecture 12-Techniques for Using the Service Dog to Enhance Communication Skills (6:48)
Lecture 13-Ways to utilize the service dog to stop bolting or wondering behaviors (4:44)
Lecture 14-Using the Service Dog to Assist Developing Social (11:21)
Section 15-Quiz
Section 15- Documents
Section 16-Transitioning the Service Dog to Working With Your Child or Family Member
Lecture 1-Transisioning Overview (2:31)
Lecture 2-Developing a stronger bond between your child & the service dog than with you. (12:18)
Lecture 3-Creating valued interaction & why is it important. (12:43)
Section 16-Quiz
Section 16-Documents
Section 17-Getting Additional Help
Lecture 1- How to get more help?!?!?!? (2:22)
Lecture 2-Private Coaching (in-person & online) (3:22)
Lecture 3-Private Facebook Group for Course Members (1:39)
Section 18-Preparing for Certification & Testing
Lecture 1-Certification & Testing Overview (8:43)
Lecture 2-The Importance of Certification (4:47)
Lecture 3-Checklist Prior to Scheduling for Testing & Certification (1:49)
Lecture 4-Study Guides for the Written Exam (1:30)
Lecture 5-The Written Exam (4:16)
Lecture 6-The Public Access Test (6:04)
Lecture 7-Suggestions for preparing to take the Public Access Test (5:16)
Section 19-Troubleshooting Common Training Issues
Lecture 1-The Desensitization Process (9:55)
Lecture 2-Putting Desensitization Into Practice (21:30)
Lecture 12-Building Upon Errors & Successes
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